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Belgian Week at Texaf-Bilembo

Belgian Week at Texaf-Bilembo

The Texaf-Bilembo Center has hosted, from 3rd till 6th October, the 1st edition of the Belgian Week in Kinshasa: 4 days of conferences and trade fair on the theme *Know-how and creativity: a Belgian-Congolese DNA"


DRC respects its commitment towards TEXAF in an expropriation case

In consultation with UTEXAFRICA, the DRC has expropriated for public use 10,637 m2 (partly unsuitable for building) on the border of its center of town compoud. The DRC has started the process of paying the rightful compensation of 5.4 m USD. The first 1 m USD installment has just bee wired to UTEXAFRICA, and the State has commited to pay the balance in installments by the end of the year. TEXAF is pleased to notice that, despite a difficult macro-economic environment, the DRC is respecting this commitment towards a long-standing economic actor, who faithfully continues investing in the DRC.
